Friday, November 17, 2006


A year ago today we lost a very dear friend, DeeDee Golden. In her stead God sent a child, Amelia Grace. A day does not go by that we don't think about Miss DeeDee, and everytime I look into Amelia's eyes I see DeeDee's spirit.

So today seems like an appropriate day to share another "DeeDee" story with you. In December, 2005, while still in shock and grieving helplessly over the loss of DeeDee, Sheri could not regroup and prepare for the Christmas season. There were no decorations put up to celebrate Christ's birth and no presents were bought to share with friends in celebration of the season either.

But, one night, about a week and a half before Christmas, Sheri had a dream. And in that dream God spoke through DeeDee's spirit. DeeDee's voice said to Sheri, "CELEBRATE." In the dream Sheri responded: "I knew you were alive...I just knew it!" And DeeDee said, "Yes, I am alive....I'm alive in Christ...and now it's time to CELEBRATE"

Well, it didn't take long for Sheri to figure out that the dream meant for her to celebrate the season and hurridly she prepared for Christ's birth. Unbeknownst at the time that Sheri was already pregnant. So, we look back today and realize that indeed, DeeDee meant for us to celebrate. Celebrate Christ's birth, but also the new life growing inside.

Anyone who knew DeeDee knew how much she loved babies. She must be filled with joy over this little person now taking priority in Heath and Sheri's lives. So, as we embark on this holiday season, Amelia's first Thanksgiving and first Christmas, we must remember DeeDee not in a sad way, but in the joyous spirit of our Lord, as DeeDee would have us remember and we must CELEBRATE!

Sadly, we miss DeeDee's smiling face and vivacious personality, but triumphantly we celebrate her life with Christ and she lives on in His Spirit and in Amelia's smile! :-)

Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
The Moyers


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