Friday, July 28, 2006

WHAT'S THE BUZZ???? The Nursery is ready, that's what!

Here are some pictures of Amelia's new room. We had lots of fun creating this whimsical flutter of bee activity. Much credit goes to our friends who contributed to the design, the artwork and the decor..... so a special THANKS to Elena & Hanna Keim, Amy Alan, and Terry and Karen Taggart. We couldn't have done it without you guys. Of course those of you who know DAD will certainly understand the motivation behind these busy little bees. It is our hope that they will grow with our little Amelia and one day become Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets! (Go Tech). Enjoy the pictures.


O.K. Everybody. The time is nearing. So here is the last picture of MOM before Amelia makes her grand debut! At the last check up, the doctor indicated that she could come any time now. We are almost 36 weeks at this point . . . and it looks like the new "unofficial" c-section date will be Aug. 15th (which is only 3 weeks away). Dr. Barry will be making weekly adjustments at every appointment from here on out.

I think we can honestly say . . . WE'RE READY! We are anxious and excited, but also apprehensive so keep us in your prayers (always).

We'll be sure to update the site once Amelia Grace makes her way into this world.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


For those of you clamoring, here is the latest picture of Mom. Yes, Large and In Charge! Last check up with Dr. Barry shows a healthy and happy baby and an anxious mom. The nursery is almost done. Just a few final touches before we post some pictures for you all to see. The flooring inside the house is done, so finally, we are able to start putting things back in order, and the new addition should be complete by the end of this month. So....all's well in the Moyer house. Now, if only Mom and Dad can get a grip in what's about to happen to them---shweew---what an adventure!